Correspondence with University of Missouri
Follow the conversation that H.J.L. Stark and W.J. Monitaw, University of Missouri football manager, had through letters and telegrams as they discuss a possible football game between the universities.
January 11, 1910
Letter from H.J.L. Stark to University of Missouri football manager inquiring about a football game. Stark states he doesn't believe the University of Texas could make a trip to Missouri but would the University of Missouri like to come to Austin for a football game. Stark goes on to say that he thinks it's possible to arrange a Thanksgiving football game in Austin, and what guarantee does the University of Missouri except for a football game in Austin.
January 18, 1910
Letter from W.J. Monilaw to H.J.L. Stark asking what is the smallest guarantee the University of Texas would offer in conjunction with the usual 50% gross gate receipts.
February 14, 1910
Letter from H.J.L. Stark to W.J. Monilaw about a letter Stark sent Monilaw on January 20, 1910. Stark states he had not received a reply to his letter of January 20th and doesn't want to lose a football game. So Stark wanted to send a follow-up letter. Stark discusses guarantees for both a home and away football games and reference dates in November for a football game.
February 21, 1910
Letter from W.J. Monilaw to H.J.L. Stark stating that the University of Missouri football schedule is settled except for one date, November 12th. The University of Missouri has a tentative arrangement for November 12th. Monilaw feels that there is a remote chance of this arrangement falling through, so he feels any negotiation with the University of Texas would be useless. Monilaw also states that if the arrangments for November 12th do fall through, the Univesity of Missouri would be willing to consider a guarantee of $750 for a game in Missouri.
March 1, 1910
Telegram from H.J.L. Stark to W.J. Monilaw asking if he would consider a football game on November 9th.