

For the past 14 years, the game programs of the Texas Longhorns have relied primarily on photography for cover art. The covers of the 1990s are a veritable time capsule of Longhorn football, showing the coaching transfer from David McWilliams to John Mackovic in 1992, and the beginning of the Mack Brown era in 1997.

The modern covers are frequently made up of several photographic images, conveying a sense of excitement and action to the viewer-who now pays $5.00 for a program. Like modern magazines such as Sports Illustrated, what's most striking about these programs is the clarity of the photos, the apparent closeness of the photographer to the subjects, and how the photographer is able to capture exactly the right moments of action.

Although John Bianco, the Assistant Athletic Director for Media Relations, and his staff help set the theme and choose the pictures for the covers, the actual programs are now produced by Host Communications, a multi-faceted marketing firm based in Lexington, Kentucky.

For more on the history and traditions of UT football, visit the official UT football site.

1990-2004See the Programs in the Image Gallery
